Available Sizes:
- 250ml
- 750ml
Lemon Chai
A probiotic powerhouse, this Lemon Chai Kombucha Jun with traditional chai spices such as cinnamon and black pepper, gets a fruity twist with the addition of lemon, pineapple and coconut. Available in two sizes. See a detailed list of ingredients below.
Serving Suggestion:
So Natural’s Lemon Chai Kombucha Jun is best served cold. Keep refrigerated and be sure to open the bottle over a bowl in case of overflow caused by natural carbonation. DO NOT SHAKE.
Bottles are burped before delivery. This may result in a slight lack of fizziness when opened. Allow 1-2 days outside the fridge for the fizz to return. The sediment in the bottle indicates your Jun is alive and able to replenish and refresh your body. Safe to consume, or strain if preferred.
Raw, Organic Kombucha, Filtered water, Organic Oolong Tea, Raw Honey, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Coconut, Pineapple, Ginger, Cardamon, Pink pepper, Cloves, Black pepper, flavourants.
Are you a retailer? Or are you looking to buy some kombucha for yourself or as a gift for a friend?
Contact us and let us know. We’ll get back to you with a price list for your specific needs.
Recipes for healthy living.